Sample Materials

Sample Presentations from Zooms, Live Webinars, and Recorded Webinars

Rigorous Instruction and Scaffolding
From a live Zoom session for teachers and leaders, this is part 3 of a 5 session series. After sessions on student motivation and the basics of rigor, we have shifted our focus to instruction and scaffolding strategies.
NL Teachers Session 2 Instr and Scaff.pd[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [2.1 MB]

Introduction to Rigor
From a Zoom Keynote in Canada, this set of handouts is for my standard rigor presentation.
canada teachers.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [5.8 MB]

Assessment Webinar for Leaders
Part one of three webinars on assessment provided to educational leaders in Australia. Also appropriate for teachers.
ACEL Webinar 2 Handout Part 1.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.1 MB]

Assessment Webinar for Leaders, Follow-Up
Follow-up packet of action steps for leaders in Australia.
ACEL Webinar 2 Part 1 Follow-up good.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [642.6 KB]

Rigor in Remote Learning
On-Demand webinar for teachers and leaders on incorporating rigor in the remote learning classroom.
HofGA RESA Rigor in Remote Learningood.p[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [18.1 MB]

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